1Introduction2Will Maker3Partner Details4Children5Executor & Trustee Details6Organ Donation, Burial & Cremation7Guardianship8Distribution of Estate9Any other matters Introduction This online questionnaire is designed to allow you to send us information we need to prepare your Will. if you are completing this on behalf of the person making the Will, please note we refer to “you” in this questionnaire as that person. There are some compulsory questions – these are noted with an asterisk (*). There is guidance and pop up information within the questionnaire to help you along. There are 9 Sections. Each Section has a General or Additional Comments field at the end. This allows you to enter anything you want, and you should feel free to use this if you have any doubts or are unsure about what is being asked in the earlier parts of the Section. If you need to take a break from the questionnaire you can do so, by clicking the Save and Continue Later link at the bottom of each page and you will receive an email with a link to allow you to resume where you left off. Your answers will all be saved automatically. Once you have completed the questionnaire click the SUBMIT button on the last page (Section 8 – Any other matters) and an email will be sent to you and us with your answers. We will follow up with you as required and contact you to organise how the completed Will can be “executed” (signed with witnesses present – a legal requirement). At any stage you can contact us with questions on 03 2189855. By using this online Will form, our office will prepare a draft Will for you to review and if in order sign. We stress that until such time as you have signed your Will (with two witnesses who are not beneficiaries of the Will) your new Will, will not be valid. Please note that if you have a partner or spouse, and if that person wants to create a “Mirror Will” (which means their intentions will closely match yours) then we will need only your questionnaire completed. There is a question in Section 3 which covers this. Section 2 - Will Maker DetailsFirst Name(Required)Do you have one or more middle names?(Required) Yes No Middle Name(s)(Required)Surname(Required)Town/City of Residence(Required)Occupation(Required)Email(Required) Phone (Home and/or mobile)(Required)Date of Birth(Required) Day Month Year Gender(Required) Male Female Non-binary If you have someone at Mee & Henry you regularly deal with you can list them hereNo Particular ContactLiz HenryKrista SimBrandt AuldWendy SutherlandSuzanne HendersonEmma HowieGillian KennedySheree CaseyIs this your first Will Yes No Please enter the details of your most recent earlier will, it's certain or likely location and datePrevious Will detailsIf you can send us a copy, you can upload it hereMax. file size: 512 MB.General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 3 - Partner DetailsDo you have a partner?(Required) Yes No Name of PartnerFirst Name(Required)Do you have one or more middle names?(Required) Yes No Middle Name(Required)Surname(Required)Occupation(Required)Nature of your relationship with the partnerLiving togetherNot living togetherMarried living togetherCivil union living togetherMarried but separatedCivil union but separatedDo you want us to prepare a Mirror Will for your partner or spouse ( that is one which closely matches your Will)? If you answer Yes, please ensure in Section 9 that you advise any particular changes your partner or spouse wants to make ( e.g. particular gifts, funeral or cremation wishes). Yes No If you are not married or in a civil union, then are you currently considering marriage or civil union? Yes No Doesn't Apply Then you should choose one of the following two options The Will takes effect only if the marriage or civil union occurs The Will takes effect whether or not the marriage or civil union occurs General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 4 - Children's detailsDo you have children from your current relationship?(Required) Yes No Child Details First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth If Date of Birth not known, current age Actions Edit Delete There are no Children. Add Child Maximum number of children reached. Do you have children from any past relationships? Yes No Child Details First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth If Date of Birth not known, current age Actions Edit Delete There are no Children. Add Child Maximum number of children reached. General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 5 - Executor and Trustee DetailsYou need to appoint an Executor(s) and Trustee(s) of your Will and Estate. An Executor is responsible for bringing into action what your Will provides for. This includes getting in your assets, paying any debts and distributing assets. This could be a family member or a close friend. A Trustee looks after longer term requirements like children’s deferred inheritances, life interests etc. Often the people are one and the same, but you can nominate different people and/or Trustee Corporations.It is usual to appoint your spouse or partner in the first instance.Who do you want to appoint as your Executor and Trustee Appoint only a person or more than one person (not a Trustee Corporation)? Appoint only a Trustee Corporation Appoint a person or more than one person and a Trustee Corporation Appoint only a person or more than one person (not a Trustee Corporation)?Trustee Details Trustee First Name Trustee Middle Name Trustee Last Name Relationship of Trustee to you Actions Edit Delete There are no Trustees. Add Trustee Maximum number of trustees reached. Appoint only a Trustee CorporationName of Trustee CorporationAppoint a person or more than one person and a Trustee CorporationTrustee Details Trustee First Name Trustee Middle Name Trustee Last Name Relationship of Trustee to you Actions Edit Delete There are no Trustees. Add Trustee Maximum number of trustees reached. Name of Trustee CorporationDo you want to appoint a person(s) to act as substitute Executors(s) and Trustee(s) if your earlier selections are unable to perform the task? Yes No Substitute Trustee Details Trustee First Name Trustee Middle Name Trustee Last Name Relationship of Trustee to you Actions Edit Delete There are no Substitute Trustees. Add Substitute Trustee Maximum number of substitute trustees reached. General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 6 - Organ Donation, Burial and CremationDo you want to donate any body organs for grafting or transplant purposes? Yes No Unsure Do you have any instructions over which parts of your body?Do you want to donate any body organs for medical or scientific education and research? Yes No Unsure Do you have any instructions over which parts of your body?Do you want to be buried or cremated? Buried Cremated Unsure Do you have any instructions on the place of your burial and/or whether there should be a private service with no funeral service?Do you have any instructions for the interment or scattering of your ashes?General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 7 - GuardianshipDo you have a child or children under 18 AND want to appoint a guardian or guardians for them? Yes No Guardian Details Guardian First Name Guardian Middle Name Guardian Last Name Relationship of Guardian to you Actions Edit Delete There are no Guardians. Add Guardian Maximum number of guardians reached. If none of the guardian(s) are able to perform their role do you want to appoint a substitute guardian(s) Yes No Substitute Guardian Details Guardian First Name Guardian Middle Name Guardian Last Name Relationship of Guardian to you Actions Edit Delete There are no Substitute Guardians. Add Substitute Guardian Maximum number of substitute guardians reached. General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 8 - Distribution of EstateBefore you answer the next question, do you want to include a general provision to distribute minor assets like jewellery in accordance with your known wishes. Yes No Do you have any particular things or money you want to give to any person or organisation (e.g. charities) before the remainder of your Estate is dealt with? Yes No Item List Item Description Amount $ (if relevant) Who will receive this item Nature of relationship to you ( if relevant) Actions Edit Delete There are no Items. Add Item Maximum number of items reached. How would you like the remainder of Estate to be distributed All to my partner All to my partner but if they die before me then to my children equally Same as preceding option but adding an equal share for any child’s children if such child also dies before me None of the above If you answered None of the above, please provide details here of your instructions in distributing the remainder of your EstateGeneral or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Section 9 - Any other matters We want to understand if there are any other matters that may need to be taken into account.Are you known by any other name? Yes No Other name(s) I am known by(Required)Are there any special circumstances affecting you? Yes No What are these circumstances?(Required)Do you have a family trust and/or own or have a shareholding in a private business? Yes No Unsure Please provide brief details of these(Required)Have you promised to leave anything to anyone not already mentioned earlier? Yes No Please provide details(Required)Have you provided unequally for your children, including if you have excluded any child entirely? Yes No Please specify whyAs you selected a Mirror Will in Section 3, please specify any particular changes your partner or spouse wants to make ( e.g. particular gifts, funeral or cremation wishes).General or Additional CommentsIf you want to add anything more related to the above questions please do so here. Δ